Sunday, October 14, 2007

A Real Post

It's strange writing here when I have no idea who will be reading this, hopefully new knitting friends! I've found so many blogger journals that I like that I wanted to join in on and this seemed like a good place to have a knitting Journal, as well as one I can post to when I need to discuss things with people without worrying if they'll get wind of it on LJ. Sometimes You just want to post your honest opinion on something without it coming back to bite you. that's not too often though.

I do not have a digital camera at the moment so projects I do have pictures of are because someone else took a photo of them (normally I beg them to because I've been wanting to do this for a while)

This Journal is pretty bear right now but I'll try to make it pretty (read: fill it up soon)

Kind regards,


Melsbells said...

woo hoo! I get to make your first comment! Good luck with your digital camera, mine freaks out RIGHT when I need it most and I have to borrow my mom's. If you want people to read this blog, join rings and comment on other blogs! Hopefully, i'll be on ravelry soon and I can show you all the stuff I'm working on... otherwise, click on my blog if you get bored!

Ashley said...

Awww thanks for posting! :) I'm waiting to hear back from a couple of rings. I'll diffently go and see your blog while I'm waiting :)