Wednesday, July 21, 2010

Wingo help

W2-  Mindnight showing for all excipt the first first one, I went the first day but because I was in a theater production I had to see it early in the day.

W3- Mine's a Cat

W4-Atlanta Ga USA

W5- Camp, Quidditch, and last term.

I2- Yes, Girl Scout camp

I4-  I colllect harry Potter books from around the world and masks

I5- Yes, The Appalachian Trail

N3- I have two Snape costumes,  Movie snape, and a young snape and with it come my wand and hat.

N4- chocolate!

G2- I have a  Half brother, a half Sister (same father) and a step-brother 

G3-Château de Chinon in France

G4- do our online games from last term count?


O1-French, and ASL

O4- Of course I do :)

O6- my post owl Humphry and my snake called Snakie :)