Sunday, September 12, 2010


Hello out there in Blog land, while I'm waiting to find out who I'm spoilling  I thought I'd share pictures  from last weeks conventions. I love making costumes and wearing them, I wish I had some better pictures of  these but  for now these will do:
This is my King Baldwin IV costume from the film Kingdom of Heaven. My friend took this picture while we where waiting for the elevator to arrive. I wish she had told me the fabric at the front and poofed out. Oh well.  My next project will be an over robe for this, well next after I make a new Snape costume for the  last two films :)   

For the parade I wore my Sharaz Jek costume to march with the Doctor Who  group. Don't worry if you a fan of Doctor Who and you haven't heard of this character.  He was in only one story arc so unless you've seen the fifth Doctor's last episodes you would not have seen him. I fell in love with the character  after seening the story and made the costume last year. Unfortunantly the costume did not surrive this years parade, there had been a few rips in the body suit before the parade started but after the photo shoot I threw the suit away. :( sadness. I'll likely try and find something better to replace it. I've kept the mask, belt, and neck piece though.
I'm the second one on the right all in black with the mask on .

 After the parade, which is two miles down Peachtree street in Atlanta Ga, temperature 89 ( we where glad it had cooled off... no I'm not kidding that is cool in a Ga summer)  I changed into my lighter costume for the rest of the day: Tintin. likely you've never heard of him if you are from the states  but he is a well known comic in Europe.  This picture was taken while walking through the hotel I saw someone dressed as the Stig from another of my favorite TV shows Top Gear. I threw my camera at my friend and asked him if I could get a picture. I was acting like such a fan girl, good thing  it wasn't the real one :) (and please don't think that is my hair  it's a wig!)

Last but not least my favorite
and longest running costume the Phantom of the Opera. My friend took these  for me as refrence shots for my costuming blog. I'm hoping I'll find some from  the day I wore it during the con because  I went whole hog on the make-up. This costume gets the best reaction, ratehr then people wanting a picture of me they want pictures with me . It's my favorite now and forever, you have no idea how much fun it is to prowl around in a long cape.

                                           And there you go that was my labor day weekend 