I've had a very long week I have been working at both of my jobs this whole week Subbing at an elementary school during the day and working retail right after I am crazy tired and stressed and so you can imagine tonight, my first evening off when I got home to find a sweet little owl waiting for me at my door how happy seeing him made me. This little guy came on the perfect day. After taking the package off his leg the package (I waited only long enough to get my camera ) I opened to find a postcard
This lovely pattern

This beautiful bag, I wish the picture showed it better it's really lovely
Isn't the lining pretty? And you can see more goodies inside! They where a beautiful handmade bracelet and stitch markers in Slytherin colors (best house ever!)

After that I opened the thing that made me Squee so loudly the cats ran from the room And I mean it I can't tell you how thrilled I was to find this little guy in there. I may be taking him to Dragon*Con with me to get some pictures with other costumers holding him. :)
Nest to him are some of my favorite treats PG tips tea, which I love love love and Jelly Babies (which are the Doctor's favorite candy) I have to admit now that these got opened and gobbled straight away. I made myself a cup of tea grabbed the jelly babies and the adipose and enjoyed a bit of quiet time.

But wait there is more!
She included this awesome awesome ( did I mention awesome) yarn. See the label ? How cool is that? :)

I also got the Yarn Harlots latest book which I can't wait to start reading and tucked inside it was a lovely book mark
And that's not all I almost forgot the really cute dragon fly beads that match the bag. So Thank you thank you thank you Andromeda! This Kit was so wonderful and very much worth the wait! I love everything you sent I couldn't ask for a better kit! Thank you SO much!