Thursday, November 19, 2009

Being Thankful

There are many people and things I am thankful for, but the one that kept coming up in my mind as I pondered what I would write about for my blog post is the one I think I may value most. My memories. They aren’t particularly grand or exciting; most of them are very small moments in my life that I’m glad to have experienced.

I ‘m thankful for the walks that I’ve taken with my mom in the park, just talking and enjoying the fresh air and the sounds of birds, or the time we brought only a few pieces of bread to feed the ducks with and that day every duck in North America was in the lake. We looked at each other with eyes wide and then laughed until we where nearly sick.

I’m thankful for that first moment that I realized I had met my best friend. Her sister and I had been friends in School and although we were the same age I was a grade below her, she had called and asked if I’d go to the mall with her, as we started talking that day we realized how much we had in common, I’ll never forget seeing a CD on her desk and asking her about it, it was for the Trans-Siberian Orchestra, We’ve been to every concert they’ve had near us since that day, we’ll be going next week. Every time we laugh and say “do you remember that day?”

I’m thankful for the man I met on the bus ride home from school seven years ago, I was reading a Biography on Lon Chaney my favorite actor, and this older gentleman sat next to me, he talked to me the entire ride about his career in the television business, the people he had met, the places he had been, and actors we both enjoyed, near the end of the ride, I told him I my hopes of becoming an actor, and traveling, I told him about the things I feared most, it was my first year in collage and I was very lonely, and what he said to me made me feel like I could accomplish anything, He told me he had no doubts I would do incredible things in my life. I knew when I shook his hand at the end of the bus ride that I would never see him again, but I would think of that stranger who sat next to me and was kind , and made me feel worthwhile at a time I didn’t feel it of myself for the rest of my life.

I am thankful for the time I got to spend with my grandmother who passed away this October, even though I never got to say goodbye, I am happy in the fact I got to know her, and for the family and friends I got to meet, some of whom I had never met before, The end is where start from, sometimes it takes an ending to make new beginnings.

I am thankful for the little things my Step-Father does to say he loves me, like when I first left home for school and he told me if there was anything I needed he would be there for me, I just had to call him and he’d be there as soon as he could.He has never been the type for hugs and kisses, but his voice that day and his words said more about he felt then anything.

I am thankful for Harry Potter, for all of the friends and events and experiences I have had surrounding the books in films. For the conversations that have gotten started to the trips taken and the costumes made, because of Harry I know people around the world and have laughed and cried with them. I have realized my skills and writing and research and just how much fun being a little silly can be. I will treasure forever the memories of beginning so excited about something as small as watching a movie for the first time, or reading a book with a friend.

I am thankful for all of the small moments in my life and the memories they have given me, and I am thankful for the ones to come, because sweet or sorrowful they make me who I am.